
We want to see all Christ’s disciples follow Him and give of themselves (time, talent, and treasure) to experience the joy that is found by using their gifts for His glory and His church.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35b

Giving is a touchy subject for many people. We’ve all heard people complain, “All churches ever talk about is money!” But giving is much more than that. Giving financially is important, of course, and we believe that a healthy view of money is an important part of any spiritual development. But we also encourage people to give of their time and energy, gifts that are in short supply. Whether you’re focused on financial or spiritual gifts, we want to help you make the most of what you have to offer.

Click here to make a financial contribution

You can also mail a check to BBC’s PO Box:

PO Box 218136, Nashville, TN 37221

Click here to volunteer of your time and talents